Resources for New Group Leaders


We are so glad you’ve said yes to becoming a small group leader at Mechanicsville Christian Center (MCC)! MCC Small Groups are places to connect, change, and cultivate our faith. As a small group leader, you will partner with the pastors and staff of MCC to help care for our people and to encourage those in your group to move one step closer in their walk with God.

Here are your next steps:

  1. Attend Starting Point, submit your application for church membership, and become a member of MCC (if you are not currently a member).
  2. Complete Small Group Leader Application
  3. Complete a one-on-one interview/phone call with Terra Lawrence.
  4. Set up your account on RightNow Media.
  5. Complete the online training for new group leaders on Right Now Media (about 1 hour).
  6. Sign the SGL Commitment, Honor Code, and Abuse Acknowledgement forms.
  7. Set up your small group with Planning Center Groups using these instructions.
    • Get outside and snap a photo of yourself (and additional leaders if applicable) to add to your group profile.
    • Pick a green backdrop outside (e.g. a tree)
    • Make sure the sun is in front of you, so that you aren’t backlit, and we can see your pretty/handsome face
    • Avoid odd background objects (e.g. doghouses, cars, your child’s tricycle)
    • Take a horizontal picture
    • Take the picture from the chest up
  8. Reserve space at the church for your group meeting if you plan to meet at MCC. Please contact Karen Mitchell ( to reserve your room. If you need internet access to stream a video, please use the guest Wifi (password: welcome2mcc).
  9. Grow your group! Pray and ask God who in your world (neighborhood, workplace, friend circle, recreational activities, etc.) you should invite to join your group. Don’t say someone’s “no” for them – Ask! We all like to be invited.
  10. Plan for your first group meeting
    1. Choose your curriculum.
    2. Icebreaker Questions for Small Groups
    3. Sample Agenda
    4. Ministry Details and Contacts – As a leader at MCC, your group members will naturally see you as a source of information about the church. This sheet will help you know who to contact for different needs. Additionally, if your small group wishes to serve together, there are dozens of opportunities marked with “**” to indicate potential areas where volunteers are needed.
    5. Next Steps – Understand your primary role as a small group leader is to help your group members identify and take the next step in their spiritual walk. This document provides verbiage and ideas for how to incorporate this naturally into group discussions
    6. Return to Group Leader Resources. 
